







Quality Policy

IOGS is committed to consistently meet or exceed the customer expectations, legal and other applicable requirements, through adherence to Quality Management System as per API Spec Q1.

Quality Policy of IOGS is established on the principles of:

  • Quality & on time delivery is the responsibility of every employee.
  • Satisfy the Expectations of Customer is our highest priority.
  • Continual Improvement of effective QMS.

This policy is appropriate to IOGS and supports our strategic direction and is communicated, understood, implemented & maintained at all levels within the organization.

This policy is made available to all interested parties including employees, contractors and members of public and is reviewed annually by the top management.



Integrated Management System Policy

Integrated Oil and Gas Services Pvt. Ltd. is committed to achieve total customer satisfaction, ensure sustainable development and make continual improvements for safe and healthy working under the guiding principles of Quality Management System, Environment Management System, & Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

The goals set will be achieved through a well-structured system and shall::

  • Adopt eco-friendly practices and technology for clean and safe operations & comply all legal, statutory and regulatory requirements as applicable.
  • Maintain product quality and provide services that meet and exceed customer expectations.
  • Continually improve our IMS to enhance quality of our products & services, Control & prevention of pollution and the prevention of work related injury, ill health.
  • Eliminate hazards & reduce OH&S risks.
  • Set, monitor & review Quality, Environment, OH &S objectives.
  • Ensure the participation & Consultation of all workers in safety programs & increase consultation and participation of workers.

This policy is reviewed periodically and is made available to all interested parties including employees, contractors and members of public and is reviewed annually by top management.

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Our job is to help professionals to achieve their industrial goals whilst having adequate protection along the way.